Permanent positions at IKERBASQUE

Ikerbasque, the Basque Foundation for Science has launched its annual call for attracting senior researchers to the Research Institutions in the Basque Country.

This call offers 15 permanent contract positions for experienced researchers within any of the Basque Research Institutions (Universities, BERC - Basque Excellence Research Centres, CIC – Cooperative Research Centres, Biomedical institutions and Technology Corporations, among others).

BCAM – Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, is a BERC Excellence Research Centre and Host Institution in the Ikerbasque call, whose mission is to develop high quality interdisciplinary research in the frontiers of Applied Mathematics. Our research agenda is focussed in Computational Mathematics, Mathematical Physics, PDE, Control and Numerics, Mathematical Modelling and Applied Statistics, Networks & Operation Research, with an special emphasis in Stochastic Networks in this 2014 call.

The researchers who succeed in the Ikerbasque Research Professors call can join the centre as Group Leaders, to move, create or consolidate their research groups in the vibrant scientific environment of BCAM. Ikerbasque offers excellent conditions to internationally competitive scientists. Contracting conditions and benefits are negotiated with Ikerbasque.

All applications must be submitted on line: deadline for submissions: Sept 10th 2014.