Lectureships/Readerships in Statistics and Data Science
The School of Mathematics in the University of Edinburgh is recruiting candidates with a track record of high quality research and teaching in Statistics and Data Science to start on 1 August 2018 or by agreement. The successful applicants will contribute to the growing reputation of the University as an international hub for Statistics and will join the recently established University-wide Centre for Statistics. They will interact with colleagues in the Bayes Centre, a new interdisciplinary Data Science Institute within the University, as well as the Maxwell Institute, a longstanding research partnership between the University of Edinburgh and Heriot-Watt University. They will also have opportunities to be actively involved with the Alan Turing Institute, a UK wide initiative in Data Science.
Salary Scale: £39,992 - £47,722 per annum. Very strong and experienced applicants may be appointed to a Readership, for which the salary is £50,618 - £56,950 per annum.
Applications close at 5pm (UK time) on 3rd January 2018.
For further information, including how to apply, see:
Informal enquiries may be made to Professor Ruth King (Thomas Bayes’ Chair of Statistics):