General documents
- D1. MTE Title Report (official)
- D2. MTE Title Report (own format)
- D3. MTE Inter-University Convenio
- D4. Composition of the MTE Degree Committee
- D5. Regulations on continuation of studies, credit recognition and transfer. These depend on the university where each student is enrolled: UDC, USC, UVIGO.
Regulations approved by the MTE Degree Committee (from 1 May 2020)
- N1. MTE TFM regulations (Approved in CT-MTE 09-06-2021)
- N2. Rules of Procedure of the Parmanent Committee of the MTE (Approved in CT-MTE 8-10-2020)
- N3. MTE Tutorial Action Plan (Approved in CT-MTE 13-7-2022)
Agreements approved by the MTE Title Committee (from 1 May 2020)
- A1. Composition of the Degree Committee (Agreement CT-MTE 25-02-2025)
- A2. TFM Assignment Procedure (Agreement CT-MTE 18-05-2020, revised CT-MTE 04-10-2024)
- A3. MTE New Student Admission Guidelines (Agreement CT-MTE 09-11-2021, revised CT-MTE 25-02-2025)
- A4. Procedure for the election of TFM panels (Agreement CT-MTE 04-02-2021)
- A5. Presenciality of MTE (Agreement CT-MTE 09-11-2021, revised CT-MTE 04-10-2024)
- A6. Agreements for the application of the TFM Regulation (Agreement CT-MTE 26-09-2023, revised CT-MTE 04-10-2024)
Formularios del MTE
- F1. MTE Registration Form
- F2. TFM Assessment Form Modality B (Agreement CT-MTE 09-04-2021)
- F3. Consent Recording MTE Classes (Agreement CT-MTE 09-04-2021)